


webui の v1.3.0(20ae71faa8ef035c31aa3a410b707d792c8203a3)を使っていたのですが、ある日突然次のようなエラーが出ました。昨日までは問題なく使えていたのに……😭

Launching Web UI with arguments: --share --no-half-vae --enable-insecure-extension-access
╭───────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────╮
│ /notebooks/stable-diffusion-webui/launch.py:38 in <module>                   │
│                                                                              │
│   35                                                                         │
│   36                                                                         │
│   37 if __name__ == "__main__":                                              │
│ ❱ 38 │   main()                                                              │
│   39                                                                         │
│                                                                              │
│ /notebooks/stable-diffusion-webui/launch.py:34 in main                       │
│                                                                              │
│   31 │   if args.test_server:                                                │
│   32 │   │   configure_for_tests()                                           │
│   33 │                                                                       │
│ ❱ 34 │   start()                                                             │
│   35                                                                         │
│   36                                                                         │
│   37 if __name__ == "__main__":                                              │
│                                                                              │
│ /notebooks/stable-diffusion-webui/modules/launch_utils.py:330 in start       │
│                                                                              │
│   327                                                                        │
│   328 def start():                                                           │
│   329 │   print(f"Launching {'API server' if '--nowebui' in sys.argv else 'W │
│ ❱ 330 │   import webui                                                       │
│   331 │   if '--nowebui' in sys.argv:                                        │
│   332 │   │   webui.api_only()                                               │
│   333 │   else:                                                              │
│                                                                              │
│ /notebooks/stable-diffusion-webui/webui.py:35 in <module>                    │
│                                                                              │
│    32                                                                        │
│    33 startup_timer.record("import torch")                                   │
│    34                                                                        │
│ ❱  35 import gradio                                                          │
│    36 startup_timer.record("import gradio")                                  │
│    37                                                                        │
│    38 import ldm.modules.encoders.modules  # noqa: F401                      │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/gradio/__init__.py:3 in <module>      │
│                                                                              │
│    1 import pkgutil                                                          │
│    2                                                                         │
│ ❱  3 import gradio.components as components                                  │
│    4 import gradio.inputs as inputs                                          │
│    5 import gradio.outputs as outputs                                        │
│    6 import gradio.processing_utils                                          │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/gradio/components.py:55 in <module>   │
│                                                                              │
│     52 from PIL import Image as _Image  # using _ to minimize namespace poll │
│     53 from typing_extensions import Literal                                 │
│     54                                                                       │
│ ❱   55 from gradio import processing_utils, utils                            │
│     56 from gradio.blocks import Block, BlockContext                         │
│     57 from gradio.events import (                                           │
│     58 │   Blurrable,                                                        │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/gradio/utils.py:342 in <module>       │
│                                                                              │
│   339 │   return await iterator.__anext__()                                  │
│   340                                                                        │
│   341                                                                        │
│ ❱ 342 class AsyncRequest:                                                    │
│   343 │   """                                                                │
│   344 │   The AsyncRequest class is a low-level API that allow you to create │
│   345 │   Compared to making calls by using httpx directly, AsyncRequest off │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/gradio/utils.py:361 in AsyncRequest   │
│                                                                              │
│   358 │   You can see example usages in test_utils.py.                       │
│   359 │   """                                                                │
│   360 │                                                                      │
│ ❱ 361 │   client = httpx.AsyncClient()                                       │
│   362 │                                                                      │
│   363 │   class Method(str, Enum):                                           │
│   364 │   │   """                                                            │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/httpx/_client.py:1397 in __init__     │
│                                                                              │
│   1394 │   │   allow_env_proxies = trust_env and app is None and transport i │
│   1395 │   │   proxy_map = self._get_proxy_map(proxies, allow_env_proxies)   │
│   1396 │   │                                                                 │
│ ❱ 1397 │   │   self._transport = self._init_transport(                       │
│   1398 │   │   │   verify=verify,                                            │
│   1399 │   │   │   cert=cert,                                                │
│   1400 │   │   │   http1=http1,                                              │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/httpx/_client.py:1445 in              │
│ _init_transport                                                              │
│                                                                              │
│   1442 │   │   if app is not None:                                           │
│   1443 │   │   │   return ASGITransport(app=app)                             │
│   1444 │   │                                                                 │
│ ❱ 1445 │   │   return AsyncHTTPTransport(                                    │
│   1446 │   │   │   verify=verify,                                            │
│   1447 │   │   │   cert=cert,                                                │
│   1448 │   │   │   http1=http1,                                              │
│                                                                              │
│ /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/httpx/_transports/default.py:275 in   │
│ __init__                                                                     │
│                                                                              │
│   272 │   │   ssl_context = create_ssl_context(verify=verify, cert=cert, tru │
│   273 │   │                                                                  │
│   274 │   │   if proxy is None:                                              │
│ ❱ 275 │   │   │   self._pool = httpcore.AsyncConnectionPool(                 │
│   276 │   │   │   │   ssl_context=ssl_context,                               │
│   277 │   │   │   │   max_connections=limits.max_connections,                │
│   278 │   │   │   │   max_keepalive_connections=limits.max_keepalive_connect │
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'socket_options'



webuiを最新( v1.6.0-2-g4afaaf8a)にしたらちゃんと起動するようになりました。


「AIはツールとして活かすべき!」をモットーに、Stable DiffusionやCopainterを活用しながら、手描きの可能性を広げる方法を発信中。